For the month of August in 2023, I had the pleasure of hosting a talk at my Studio in Sydney, with The Design Kids. With around 20 industry pros, juniors and students in attendance, as well as another 30 watching online, I made a point of talking about more than just my work.

I took the opportunity to share some nuggets of wisdom that just aren't taught in Design courses these days. I shared my failures, successes, and the adjustments I made in-between. With the hope that I can help those watching, providing them with an insight into what working in the industry is really like; and the work that needs to happen beyond creating things.
A huge shout out to Sarah Bracken and Greyson for always hosting such valuable industry events. If you were able to make it I hope there was something useful for you to take away. Let's run it back soon 🙌 ❤️
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